CLA safflower oil health benefits

Flaunt beautiful and strong hair


One of the main ingredients of CLA safflower oil is the oleic acid. This ingredient is very beneficial in protecting your hair and scalp. Therefore, the intake of CLA safflower oil improves blood circulation in the scalp and results in strong hair follicles, as well as stimulates hair growth. Apart from this it will also give you shiny and lustrous hair, which you have always aspired for. Due to its positive effects the CLA safflower oil also finds usage in several cosmetic products.


Prevent weight gain


The overconsumption of unsaturated fat in fast food and vegetable oil often leads to weight gain apart from other reasons. The high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids in CLA safflower oil burns the fat instead of accumulating it in your body and finally, leading to weight loss. Thus, by merely changing your regular vegetable oil to CLA safflower oil you can get rid of the excess fat stored in your body without having to make any major changes in your dietary schedule. If you are dealing with obesity, this oil is again a best remedy for you.


Get flawless and glowing skin


As CLA safflower oil is rich in linoleic acid, it is very useful in improving the texture and quality of your skin. The Linoleic acid in the oil helps reduce the sebum present under your skin. And accumulation of sebum causes acne and pores. The use of CLA safflower oil reduces acne and rashes from your skin. This valuable oil also facilitates regeneration of skin cells and makes you look younger and more beautiful.


CLA safflower oil is a tried and tested remedy


Several studies conducted on the users of CLA safflower oil suggest that its benefits are not just limited to a particular gender or age group. It is noticed that the percentage of men suffering from hair loss is higher than women. Using CLA safflower oil helps control hair loss significantly. This product is rich in Vitamin E, which is an excellent moisturizer, as well as antioxidant. The oil is therefore a perfect solution to keep your scalp hydrated and prevents hair loss due to exposure to free radicals from UV rays, pollution or stress levels.



You may use CLA safflower oil for cooking or for external usage as well. In comparison to any other natural oil, CLA safflower oil is odourless and very light weight. As such you can easily substitute it with your hair oil. To use CLA safflower oil for good hair health, you need to dampen your hair first and then comb it well. Next, take a few drops of this oil on your palm and apply gently on your scalp. Leave the oil to work for 45 to 60 minutes and then rinse off thoroughly with a shampoo.